Lexi Thompson: 2024 KPMG Women's PGA Championship Round 2 Interview

THE MODERATOR: All right, here with Lexi Thompson after her second round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Another really good start to the day on the front nine. Can you just take us through some of your preparation both physically and mentally as you're preparing to tee off at the major each day?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it's all about patience. Coming into each and every day out here you know you're going to hit some bad shots that maybe get penalized by the trees and you have to take your medicine with either pitching out or just getting it back in position.

Just really trying to stay in the moment and committing to small targets out there. And just my game plan going into the week. Like I said, there will be bogeys but take advantage of few birdie opportunities you get out there.

Q. Finished even today. How important do you feel like yesterday's round was to start off the major really well, and is even a good score out here?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, honestly, even is a great score out here, too. It's perfect weather so not super windy. Just a difficult golf course and they go and tuck some pins.

Pars are good out there. Always important to start off with a good round especially yesterday shooting 4-under. So very grateful and just took it into today. Had a great front nine and had a few hiccups on the back nine, but it happens out here.

Also made a lot good putts, so really going to build on that.

Q. What do you feel you did well on the front nine?

LEXI THOMPSON: I just ball struck it well I guess. Rolled some putts really well, too.

The back nine, too. Had a few iffy shots. It happens. You're going to hit bad shots. You just got to take it, know there will be a bogey or two in there, and just move on.

Q. How big of a factor will toughness be this week, just knowing you'll have the occasional bogeys and being able to battle through that?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I think everybody kind of knows that once they step foot out on the golf course seeing the super tight tee balls. It's just a matter of patience, staying in the moment, staying within yourself and really just control your emotions and your game out there. That's all you can do, you know, take each shot as it goes.

Q. How positive is it for you to be able to control those emotions and grind out an even score when you might not have had your best stuff?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it's very important. Made a double and bogey on the back but could have been worse, so I stayed positive and made a birdie on the back nine as well and made some good putts.

Just going build on the positives and not really focus on anything else and take that into the weekend.

Q. Looking ahead to the next 36 holes, refresh, renew, what's your mindset?

LEXI THOMPSON: Mindset going into the weekend, same as the last two days. Get some rest this afternoon. It was a quick turnaround so not too much sleep last night. Definitely get some rest and come out, have a good warmup, and really embrace the crowd. It's been beautiful weather. Course is in great shape. Just blessed to be out there.

Q. When your full time career ends, whenever that is, what will you miss the most?

LEXI THOMPSON: The fans. I think the fans have, like I said in my message, the fans have pushed me to get through the hardest times. The bad days, the fans make those days so much better. Seeing the little kids, little boys and girls, even out here, it's an amazing feeling.

No matter what you shoot they want your autograph and look up to you. Whether it's me or any of the girls out here. That's what we want, to be a role model for these little kids, get them involved in the game, whether that's professionally or just for fun.

Yeah, I definitely will miss the fans. That's the biggest part.

Q. What's the satisfaction of playing well at courses where scoring is such a premium versus a course that's more of a birdiefest?

LEXI THOMPSON: Coming into this golf course everybody kind of knows pars are good. Take the occasional birdie chance when you can and there is going to be bogeys, like I said before.

I like golf courses like this. It's more of a challenge. You know you have to have your ball striking A-game and it's not just the birdiefest where if you par a hole then you're getting passed.

Here it's like par, all right, I'm moving up on a few of those holes.

It's just a great golf course. It's super tough. We all knew that. It's in great shape for us and that's all we can ask for.

Q. Earlier in the year you were struggling with an injury. Was it your hand or wrist or both? How long have you been free of it I guess?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it's kind of all the above. I battled with wrist injuries over multiple years now. Kind of flared up mid last year and into this year, and then kind of wind into my thumb. My whole hand would throb when hitting shots.

Now it's been relieved with some pretty good painkillers I guess. I don't know if that's a good thing to say. But I've gotten treatment on it and good anti-inflammatories. Definitely helpful.

Yeah, very lucky and grateful that I don't have that pain anymore.

Q. Are you able to practice as much as you want now?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I've been practicing so much at home, so I wouldn't be able to do that if I was in a lot of the pain. Definitely trying not to overdo it because of course I don't want to put any strain if I'm not feeling it. Yeah, it feels great right now.

Q. Did you see this coming, this run of really good golf the last couple weeks and playing so well?

LEXI THOMPSON: I was hoping for it. (Smiling.) That's a better answer. I had the few weeks off before Michigan and I worked extremely hard. I was out at the golf course in Florida summer for 5 to 7 hours a day just trying to figure out something that just clicked.

I can't say that I really latched on to something while I was home. Just kind of went into last week in Michigan, I don't know, just love being there, just the atmosphere and just felt at ease.

I think it just kind of freed me up and latched onto something with my game, and just kind of building on it and really just trying to enjoy the moment more out on the golf course.

Q. You look at last week, this week, you always have a lot of the fans in your corner. How much has that been fuel to give you extra energy?

LEXI THOMPSON: It's amazing. It's a great feeling just to have the fans out there embracing me on each and every shot, in between shots. Especially last week. Those crowds were unbelievable. We had some big crowds out there today. They came along for the back nine. Might have been a little early for the front.

It's great. We want to grow the game and women's golf, so to see bigger fan bases, more coverage, that's what we want.

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